Water and Sewer Leak Adjustments Policy
Sweetwater Utilities Board will adjust one month of water and sewer leak bills if the water leak is underground only. The adjustment will not cover leaks inside of the home, such as, a running toilet, a leaky faucet, hot water heater leak, water hose left on, etc. Therefore, an SUB representative will be sent out to verify an underground repair has been made. After returning to the office the SUB representative will then notify the billing office to adjust the customer's water and sewer bill.
At that point, the water adjustment will consist of a one month adjustment on the water bill. The billing office will get a 6 month average and adjust off half of the difference on the one month water bill. That will equal half of the water leak being adjusted off on the water bill only.
As for the sewer, the adjustment will consist of a one month adjustment on the sewer bill also. The billing office will get a 6 month average and adjust off the difference on the one month sewer bill. That will equal the whole leak being adjusted off the one month sewer bill.
It is the policy of SUB to offer customers one (1) adjustment per twelve-month period.